Theater: discover À la folie! [in French]
Co-written by Guy Richer, À la folie! features Charles, a party boy who must care for his mother, who has Alzheimer's disease. A play full of humor and sensitivity.
Co-written by Guy Richer, À la folie! features Charles, a party boy who must care for his mother, who has Alzheimer's disease. A play full of humor and sensitivity.
La pièce À la folie! met en scène Charles (Guy Richer), un animateur fêtard et immature, qui découvre qu’il devra malgré lui s’occuper de sa vieille mère (Louise Deschâtelets) qui vit avec la maladie d’Alzheimer. Que fera le boomer bohème coincé entre sa mère grincheuse, sa fille insolente (Charlotte B. Reichhold) et une infirmière déstabilisante (Sandra Dumaresq), lui dont le seul talent est de faire rire en imitant de vieux chanteurs?
Pourtant la magie de la musique fera des miracles!
Découvrez des présentations de la distribution en visitant la page Facebook de l'événement.
À la folie! tells the story of Charles, a party boy who has to take care of his mother, who has Alzheimer’s. “He’s certainly the most ill-prepared guy to become a caregiver,” says Guy Richer, the play’s co-writer.
He wanted to highlight the extraordinary role of caregivers:
Being a caregiver means giving of yourself, putting your life on hold to take care of someone you love. For me, it’s overwhelming.
The play is intended to be both humorous and moving, and also features a number of singing imitations of great artists: Jean-Pierre Ferland, Julien Clerc, Joe Dassin, Cat Stevens, Tom Jones and many others.
A comedy [in French] by : Guy Richer and Claude Montminy
Cast: Francine Ruel, Geneviève Brouillette, Guy Richer, Marilou Morin
Director: Marcel Pomerlo
Location: Espace Diffusion in Cowansville
Date: July 14 to August 19, 2023
Information: 450 263-2000
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