Sometimes at a very young age, they take on a parenting role that can last well into adolescence. They adopt the role of savior, even with their friends, as soon as they spot certain traits that resemble the person they're caring for. I try to help them out of this impasse, which causes them to develop a form of anxiety.
I'm thinking of a young girl. She approaches another child who is getting off playground equipment without any problem, saying: “Wait, I'll help you get off! She's in the mothering mode..." This little girl takes care of her mommy. She worries about anything that could cause a problem: taking medication, having a seizure, etc. She has a lot of anxiety: she's afraid of once again losing her mother, who suffers from borderline personality disorder. At school, she's bullied a lot. The others know that her mother was unavailable and hospitalized for several months. Currently, her mother is doing well. If we tell her that her mother is doing her best to be well because she cares about her daughter, she shuts down to suppress her emotions.