Be listed in the resource directory

Our online directory contains over 1,400 organizations that assist caregivers and the people they support. The directory allows them to easily find resources and services. The Caregiver Support counselors also use this directory to refer caregivers to organizations throughout Quebec.

  • Be a non-profit organization, a social economy enterprise, an establishment in the health and social services network, or a government or paragovernmental resource;
  • Be incorporated for at least 2 years, in the case of a non-profit organization or a social economy enterprise;
  • Have been offering support services for at least two years to caregivers, their families and friends;
  • Not be subject to sanctions regarding the quality and content of the services provided by the organization;
  • Clarify any changes to its mission, statutes and services with L’Appui pour les proches aidants;
  • Meet all other conditions that may be required at the time of application;
  • Submit a request to be added to the resource directory by contacting L’Appui pour les proches aidants.

In order to provide caregivers with the best possible information, based on their needs and reality, the Caregiver Support Helpline team relies on an expanded version of the online directory, including private companies.

Here are the eligibility criteria for inclusion:

  • Be a non-profit organization, a social economy enterprise, an establishment in the health and social services network, or a government or paragovernmental resource;
  • Meet the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the online resource directory (detailed above);
  • For private firms,* meet the additional conditions:
    • Sell services, not products;
    • Submit certifications and accreditations related to their sectors of activity to L’Appui and follow up on renewals of certifications and accreditations with them;
    • Strengths: participate in the community life of their sector and have service agreements or collaboration agreements with institutions

* Excluding self-employed workers, users of the Caregiver Support Helpline are referred to the relevant professional associations, if necessary.

L’Appui pour les proches aidants:

  • Reserves the right to add or remove any resource from the resource directory (online and Caregiver Support Helpline counselors) for any reason deemed necessary and warranted, without having to justify its decision;
  • Shall not be held liable for any damages, claims, costs orobligations arising from the use or misuse of information provided on the website or through Caregiver Support;
  • Shall not be deemed to recommend or endorse any service mentioned by any directory or listing, by any person employed by them.

Apply now!

If you would like to have your organization listed in our directories, we invite you to send a request by email to We will contact you as soon as possible.


Need to talk?

Contact our Caregiver Support Helpline for counselling, information and referrals.

Every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Free of charge.

call  Caregiver info :  1 855 852-7784