Association du Syndrome de Down

Association du Syndrome de Down

The Association du Syndrome de Down offers support to people with Down syndrome, caregivers of people with Down syndrome and foster families who care for people with Down syndrome in the Estrie region. The organization contributes to training the professionals of tomorrow by welcoming interns each year in specialized education techniques, social work, medicine and kinesiology, etc. In 1987, the association was born from a group of 18 parents of children with trisomy 21. The association aimed to find the elements or the means to promote the physical, intellectual and social development of these children. The association attaches great importance to several aspects of its mission, namely to promote health and relieve the conditions associated with people with Down's syndrome by offering various activities and workshops aimed at the social, educational and professional development of beneficiaries, promote health by offering an extended support service to families of people with Down's syndrome, promoting the participation and social integration of people with Down's syndrome, families and people from the community within the association. The clientele served includes people with Down syndrome as well as caregivers. Among the territories served, there is the Estrie region.

Association du Syndrome de Down

place 92, rue Ozias-Leduc, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1H 1M7
call 819-569-8112 email