Calacs l’espoir des Îles is a community organization that offers services to women aged 14 and over who have experienced sexual violence. Our organization is involved in various activities and representations within the community and these educational and preventive actions aim to inform the population, to raise awareness in order to break the wall of silence and to lift the veil on this reality. The Calacs is a living environment where the entire population can come to learn about sexual violence, whether as citizens, employers, students, etc. In addition, a resource center is available for the entire community on topics as varied as Women's History, LGBTQ 2+ Communities, Indigenous Women, Children's Stories Without Gender Stereotypes, Feminist, Diet Culture , etc. The workers offer direct assistance, i.e. an individual support service and support group meetings to victims and their loved ones. In addition, support at the Hospital Centre, the Sûreté du Québec and in legal proceedings are also offered to them.
The clientele served by this organization are women aged 14 and over who have experienced sexual violence.
Among the territories served, we find the Magdalen Islands.