Centre d'action bénévole Marguerite-Dubois

Centre d'action bénévole Marguerite-Dubois
Le Centre d'action bénévole Marguerite-Dubois's mission is to accompany, support and educate people in its community (Bromont and Brigham) experiencing a problem (food, material, financial and psychosocial security) in order to enable them to regain their financial autonomy, their socialization and their community involvement. The clientele served by this organization concerns families or single people with psychological, food, material and/or financial difficulties. Among the territories served are the municipalities of Bromont and Brigham.

Centre d'action bénévole Marguerite-Dubois

place 50-C5, Chemin de Gaspé, Bromont, Quebec, J2L 2N8
call 450-534-2825 email info@centremargueritedubois.com