Accès Entraide Familles Lac St-Jean Est

Accès Entraide Familles Lac St-Jean Est
Accès Entraide Familles Lac St-Jean Est is an organization for low-income people and offers free activities to break isolation while allowing people to carry out activities. In order to break the isolation, we offer leisure and/or well-being to disadvantaged people and families residing in the territory. In a perspective of equal opportunities, we offer quality services to support its members in their process of autonomy, integration into society and to strengthen their power to act. The clientele served concerns people with low incomes and among the territories served, we find the MRC Lac-Saint-Jean-Est.

Accès Entraide Familles Lac St-Jean Est

place 275, boul. Dequen Nord, Alma, Quebec, G8B 5N8
call 418-662-5899 email