Aide-Maison Vallée de la Matapédia

Aide-Maison Vallée de la Matapédia
Aide-Maison Vallée de la Matapédia offers its members quality home help services, provided by a team of dedicated and passionate employees who have the well-being of our customers at heart. Our human presence, always reassuring for the people we support on a daily basis, allows us to act quickly, in any situation. The clientele served by this organization concerns people aged 18 and over, seniors or people with loss of autonomy, caregivers, veterans, SAAQ or CNESST recipients. Among the territories served, there are several cities such as Albertville, Amqui, Caupascal, Lac-au-Saumon, Saint-Alexandre-des-Lacs, Saint-Cléophas, Saint-Damase, Sainte-Florence, Saint-Irène, Saint-Léon -le-Grand, Sainte-Marguerite-Marie, Saint-Moïse, Saint-Noël, Saint-Tharcisius, Saint-Vianney, Saint-Zénon-du-Lac-Humqui, Sayabec, Val-Brillant.

Aide-Maison Vallée de la Matapédia

place 20-A, rue Desbiens, bureau 100, Amqui, Quebec, G5J 3P1
call 418-629-5812 email