Aphasie Rive-Sud

Aphasie Rive-Sud
Aphasie Rive-Sud is a living environment that promotes the rehabilitation and social reintegration of people with aphasia or with communication problems, in addition to breaking the isolation of people with aphasia and their loved ones. One of our objectives is to promote, protect and develop in any way the material, cultural and social interests of people with aphasia and their relatives by organizing activities of different types. The clientele served by this organization are people with aphasia or communication disorders and their loved ones. Among the territories served, we find the Montérégie region.

Aphasie Rive-Sud

place 1400, boulevard Édouard, local 110, Longueuil, Quebec, J4T 3M2
call 450-550-4466 email info.aphasierivesud@gmail.com