Arrimage Estrie

Arrimage Estrie

Arrimage Estrie's mission is to promote body acceptance and body diversity in addition to offering support to people experiencing issues that concern them. The objectives are to promote acceptance of oneself and the body, promote body diversity, encourage the development of critical consciousness through prevention and awareness-raising actions, and contribute to the change of social norms. The organization offers support group services, conferences, intuitive eating groups, art therapy in person or online, exploratory photography, information and documentation. The organization's clientele is people aged 17 and over who wish to be gentler towards the tool called the body and/or improve their relationship with food and/or physical activity in order to move from "it's complicated » to “in a relationship” with her, as well as school, community, public and private environments. Among the territories served, we find the Estrie region.

Arrimage Estrie

place 740, rue Galt Ouest, suite 110, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1H 1Z3
call 819-564-7885 email