Association des infirmières et infirmiers en soins podologiques du Québec (AIISPQ)

Association des infirmières et infirmiers en soins podologiques du Québec (AIISPQ)
L'Association des infirmières et infirmiers en soins podologiques du Québec (AIISPQ) has the mission to facilitate, favor and promote the quality of individual nursing practice in podiatric care. Support is also offered to foot care nurses and they provide the public with the information necessary for a good understanding of foot care practice. It is a non-profit organization that brings together freely and voluntarily nurses who are members of the OIIQ and have training in foot care. The clientele concerns anyone with questions related to podiatric care and the entire province of Quebec is served.

Association des infirmières et infirmiers en soins podologiques du Québec (AIISPQ)

place 2545 rue De Lorimier, Suite 270, Longueuil, Quebec, J4K 3P7
call -- email