Association des proches aidants Arthabaska-Érable

Association des proches aidants Arthabaska-Érable
The Association des proches aidants d'Arthabaska-Érable's mission is to raise awareness among the population about the various issues of caregiving and to support caregivers by giving them access to information and services enabling them to assume their responsibility. role while taking care of them. This organization offers caregivers the tools necessary to prevent burnout and maintain quality of life regardless of the age and nature of the illness of the person being cared for. The clientele served concerns any caregiver and among the territories served, we find the MRC d'Arthabaska and the MRC de l'Érable.

Association des proches aidants Arthabaska-Érable

place 40, rue Alice, Victoriaville, Quebec, G6P 3H4
call 819-795-3577 email