Association des proches aidants de l'Énergie - Maison Gilles-Carle Marie-Chrétien

Association des proches aidants de l'Énergie - Maison Gilles-Carle Marie-Chrétien
The Association des proches aidants de l'Énergie owns the Maison Gilles-Carle Marie-Chrétien in Shawinigan. It offers all informal caregivers information, training, psychosocial support, residential respite and day respite. The helper and the person being helped are at the heart of the concerns of all those involved in the mission of the Association. Clientele: Our services are offered to all caregivers. An assessment of the person being cared for takes place before being admitted to our day respite services and accommodation respite services in order to assess whether we are the right resource according to the level of autonomy and the care required. Territory: Shawinigan for caregiver services, Maison Gilles-Carle throughout Quebec.

Association des proches aidants de l'Énergie - Maison Gilles-Carle Marie-Chrétien

place 1660, 10e avenue, Shawinigan, Quebec, G9T 5M8
call 819-729-1600 email