Aux bonheurs des Aînés Lanaudière

Aux bonheurs des Aînés Lanaudière
Aux bonheurs des aînés Lanaudière offers a transportation-accompaniment service for medical appointments and errands in Crabtree and the surrounding area. All reasons for travel are accepted, whether medical, legal, shopping, leisure, visits, etc. This organization promotes the maintenance at home or in residence of people in the area, particularly the elderly, disabled or in difficulty, promotes their development, offers them material and moral support and defends their interests. The clientele served by this organization is people aged 55 and over. Among the territories served, we find the municipalities of Crabtree, Saint-Paul, Sainte-Marie-Salomé, Saint-Thomas, Saint-Liguori and Village-Saint-Pierre.

Aux bonheurs des Aînés Lanaudière

place 222, 4e Avenue, Crabtree, Quebec, J0K 1B0
call 450-754-2348 email