Baluchon Répit long terme à domicile (anciennement Baluchon Alzheimer)

Baluchon Répit long terme à domicile (anciennement Baluchon Alzheimer)

Baluchon Répit long terme à domicile e is a non-profit organization (NPO) in Quebec, with more than 20 years of existence. Its mission is to offer respite over several days to caregivers who want to keep their loved one who is not independent at home while supporting and accompanying the caregiver before and after the respite. It is the only non-profit organization offering long-term (4 to 14 days) in-home respite, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The clientele is bedridden people with severe loss of autonomy, people living with a neurodegenerative disorder (Parkinson, Alzheimer's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS, multiple sclerosis, etc.) or in palliative and end-of-life care. Make a request to a worker in the public health network (RPS): doctor, social worker, occupational therapist, nurse, or other, etc. The territory is the Province of Quebec.

Baluchon Répit long terme à domicile (anciennement Baluchon Alzheimer)

place 10138, rue Lajeunesse 200, Montreal, Quebec, H3L 2E2
call 514-762-2667 call 855-762-2930 (Toll-free) email