Cap Santé Mentale (anciennement Réseau Avant de Craquer)

Cap Santé Mentale (anciennement Réseau Avant de Craquer)
Cap Santé Mentale's mission is to bring together, represent, support and mobilize organizations working with loved ones of people with a mental health problem and to carry the voice of loved ones nationally. The organization's clientele is adults, children and seniors who support a loved one with a mental health problem, as well as organizations that serve and offer different services to all of this clientele. Among the territories served, we find the province of Quebec.

Cap Santé Mentale (anciennement Réseau Avant de Craquer)

place 219-1990, rue Cyrille-Duquet, Québec City, Quebec, G1N 4K8
call 855-272-7837 email