Carrefour des proches aidants de Québec

Carrefour des proches aidants de Québec
The Carrefour des proches aidants de Quebec offers support and accompaniment to caregivers. Their mission is to provide a place to learn and share, to make known the needs of caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer's and other related diseases, to set up various services to support caregivers such as respite, support groups and bereavement follow-up groups throughout the care and post-care process. The clientele served concerns informal caregivers and among the territories served, we find the agglomeration of the city of Quebec.

Other points of services

It is possible that one of the service points does not offer all of the organization's services. Please contact the organization for more information.

Québec - Beauport

place 35 rue du Couvent, Québec City, Quebec, G1E 6R9
call 418-623-9579

Québec - Charlesbourg

place 130, 50e rue Est, Local RC-02, Québec, Québec, G1H 3E6
call 418-623-9579

Québec - Les Rivières

place 420 rue Beaucage, Québec City, Quebec, G1M 1H8
call 418-623-9579

Québec - Loretteville

place 15, Boulevard des Étudiants, Québec City, Quebec, G2A 2K9
call 418-623-9579

Carrefour des proches aidants de Québec

place 14070, boul. Henri-Bourassa, Québec City, Quebec, G1G 5S9
call 418-623-9579 email