Centre d'action bénévole Aide23

Centre d'action bénévole Aide23
The Centre d'action bénévole Aide23 (CAB Aide23) is a non-profit organization whose social mission is to promote and supervise volunteer action on its territory, in order to encourage the involvement of people within their community. This resource recruits, directs, supports and matches people who want to volunteer and offers home support services to people in precarious situations (thanks to the involvement of dedicated volunteers). The clientele served by this organization concerns people of all ages, but seniors are the main clientele. Among the territories served, we find the borough of Beauport.

Centre d'action bénévole Aide23

place 5, rue du Temple, Québec City, Quebec, G1E 4Z8
call 418-663-0995 email info@cabaide23.org