Centre de Bénévoles Ahuntsic-Sud (CBAS)

Centre de Bénévoles Ahuntsic-Sud (CBAS)
The Centre de bénévoles Ahuntsic-Sud (CBAS) is there to offer seniors the power to stay at home by offering them many services such as meals on wheels, shopping and accompaniment, visits and friendship calls, transportation for medical appointments, transportation to the pharmacy and other activities, community dinners and other activities The clientele served by this organization concerns seniors aged 60 and over. Among the areas served, we find the southern part of the Ahuntsic district (south of Port-Royal Street (railway).

Centre de Bénévoles Ahuntsic-Sud (CBAS)

place 9286 rue Berri, Montréal, Québec, H2M 1P9
call 514-388-0775 email mbouvier@cbas.ca