Centre de soutien en santé mentale - Montérégie (CSSM-M)

Centre de soutien en santé mentale - Montérégie (CSSM-M)
The Centre de soutien en santé mentale - Montérégie (CSSM-M) promotes the recovery of people suffering from mental illness through follow-ups and social reintegration activities. This organization also offers support and assistance to families and caregivers. The philosophy of the Centre de soutien en santé mentale - Montérégie is based on respecting the limits of participants and everyone goes at their own pace. The clientele served by this organization includes people with mental health problems and their loved ones. Among the territories served, we find the Montérégie region.

Centre de soutien en santé mentale - Montérégie (CSSM-M)

place 2046, boulevard Édouard, Longueuil, Quebec, J4T 1Z7
call 450-486-1609 email info@cssm-m.ca