Coopérative de services à domicile du Cap Diamant

Coopérative de services à domicile du Cap Diamant
The Cooperative de services à domicile du Cap Diamant contributes to maintaining the elderly and people with loss of autonomy at home. It is a consumer cooperative that is recognized for its human approach, the quality of its staff and the services it provides. The Cooperative is for people in its territory who need help to enable them to live in the home of their choice. Users therefore come from all walks of life, all age groups and all social conditions. The clientele served includes seniors, caregivers and people with loss of autonomy. Among the territories served, there is part of the city of Quebec, that is to say the Upper Town, Sillery, Sainte-Foy, Cap-Rouge, as well as the municipalities of Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures and L'Ancienne-Lorette.

Coopérative de services à domicile du Cap Diamant

place 202-1379, chemin Sainte-Foy, Québec City, Quebec, G1S 2N2
call 418-683-3552 email