TDL Québec (Dysphasie Québec)

TDL Québec (Dysphasie Québec)

Dysphasie Québec is a non-profit organization which, animated and motivated by its values of sharing, mutual aid and empathy, offers information, support and representation services in order to raise public awareness of people living with dysphasia. The primary objective of the organization is to raise awareness of dysphasia, now called developmental language disorder. The organization works to raise community awareness of the reality experienced by people living with this primary language disorder. Clientele: People who have DLD (developmental language disorder, formerly called dysphasia), as well as their loved ones. Territory: Capitale-Nationale (region 03) and Chaudières-Appalaches (region 12).

TDL Québec (Dysphasie Québec)

place 3060 Avenue Maricourt bureau 220, Québec City, Quebec, G1W 4W2
call 418-780-0680 email