Entraide communautaire Le Halo

Entraide communautaire Le Halo
Entraide communautaire Le Halo is a non-profit organization that offers services aimed at breaking isolation and promoting home care. The clientele served by this organization are the elderly, the chronically ill, people with physical limitations, people with mental health problems and families in difficulty. Among the territories served, there are the cities of Cap-Santé, Deschambault-Grondines, Donnacona, Neuville, Pont-Rouge, Portneuf, Saint-Alban, Saint-Basile, Saint-Casimir, Saint-Gilbert, Saint-Marc-des-Carrières, Saint-Thuribe and Saint-Ubalde.

Other points of services

It is possible that one of the service points does not offer all of the organization's services. Please contact the organization for more information.

Entraide communautaire Le Halo

place 174 avenue St-Jacques, Donnacona, Quebec, G3M 2T7
call 418-285-2935 call 800-470-4256 (Toll-free) email info@lehalo.ca