Espoir pour la démence / Hope for Dementia

Espoir pour la démence / Hope for Dementia
Hope for Dementia is a federal non-profit charitable organization whose mission is to support the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of dementia and other cognitive disorders. Hope for Dementia aspires to become an advocate and catalyst for the prevention and reversal of dementia symptoms. To do this, Hope for Dementia is committed to raising awareness, proactively delivering prevention programs, and investing in research that is rich in possibilities for symptom deceleration and reversal. Hope for Dementia offers three services – The Intergenerational Learning Program aims to connect young and old to bridge the generation gap; Healthy Food Healthy Brain is a food donation program for low-income families and seniors; and Simply Connect and Donate Tablets program inspires people to safely call or consult with loved ones, friends or a member of the community. Our target clientele includes people at risk of dementia or who live with mild cognitive impairment and among the territories served, we find the entire province of Quebec, but mainly the island of Montreal.

Espoir pour la démence / Hope for Dementia

place 2535, rue Guénette, Montreal, Quebec, H4R 2E9
call 514-464-0202 email