Exo – Transport adapté – Couronne Nord

Exo – Transport adapté – Couronne Nord
Exo – Transport adapté – Couronne Nord serves bus transportation and all other public transit access points in the North Shore of Montreal. In order to be eligible for this service, you must be a disabled person, that is, any person with a deficiency resulting in a significant and persistent disability and who is subject to encountering obstacles in the performance of activities. common. Also, the person must have, in terms of mobility, limitations justifying the use of a paratransit service. Therefore, any temporary limitation, for example, a broken leg, cannot be submitted for admission. The territory served concerns the North Shore of Montreal, with the exception of Laval.

Exo – Transport adapté – Couronne Nord

place 83, rue Turgeon, 2e étage, Sainte-Thérèse, Quebec, J7E 3H7
call 877-433-4004 call 877-433-4004 (Toll-free) email transport.adapte@exo.quebec