Fondation québécoise du cancer

Fondation québécoise du cancer
The Fondation Québécoise du Cancer Soutient offers accommodation services near major radiation oncology centers, financial and legal assistance, a directory of resources, a network for people aged 15 to 39 with cancer and their loved ones, an Info-cancer service, twinning, telephone support, information, documentation, a business support program, wellness activities, guided meditation, yoga, massage therapy, art therapy and kinesiology. The clientele is people with cancer and their loved ones. Among the territories served, we find the province of Quebec.

Other points of services

It is possible that one of the service points does not offer all of the organization's services. Please contact the organization for more information.


place 555, boul. de l'Hôpital, Gatineau, Quebec, J8V 3T4
call 819-561-2262


place 2375, avenue de Vitré, Québec City, Quebec, G1J 5B3
call 800-363-0063


place 3001, 12e avenue Nord, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1H 5N4
call 819-822-2125


place 3110, rue Louis-Pasteur,, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1H 5N4
call 819-693-4242