La Popote de Charlesbourg

La Popote de Charlesbourg is a meal delivery service that allows the elderly, sick or with a loss of autonomy, to stay in their home as long as possible by providing them with a full meal a day, usually hot, from Monday to Friday. Also, this organization makes it possible to visit elderly people who suffer from loneliness. La Popote de Charlesbourg aims to improve the quality of life of seniors and to meet the needs that are increasingly growing in an aging population. The clientele served concerns the elderly, ill or with loss of autonomy and among the territories served, we find the boroughs of Charlesbourg, located in the city of Quebec.

La Popote de Charlesbourg

place 5295, rue des Violettes, Québec City, Quebec, G1G 5L5
call 418-623-7192 email