Le Périscope AFPPAMM Centre-de-la-Mauricie/Mékinac/Haut-St-Maurice

Le Périscope AFPPAMM Centre-de-la-Mauricie/Mékinac/Haut-St-Maurice
The Periscope AFPPAMM Centre-De-La-Mauricie/Mékinac/Haut-St-Maurice brings together the members of the entourage of a person who presents clinical manifestations related to a major mental health disorder, offers them a range of support, in order to enable them to actualize their potential. The clientele served by this organization is the family and loved ones of people with major mental health problems. Among the territories served, we find the MRC les Chenaux, the MRC de Mékinac, the MRC de Maskinongé, Shawinigan and the agglomeration of La Tuque.

Other points of services

It is possible that one of the service points does not offer all of the organization's services. Please contact the organization for more information.

La Tuque

place 378, rue Scott, La Tuque, Quebec, G9X 1P1
call 819-521-7884


place 301 rue St-Jacques, bureau 218-B, Sainte-Thècle, Quebec, G0X 3G0
call 819-534-2333

Le Périscope AFPPAMM Centre-de-la-Mauricie/Mékinac/Haut-St-Maurice

place 1671, avenue de Grand-Mère, Shawinigan, Quebec, G9T 2K2
call 819-729-1434 call 855-272-7837 (Toll-free) email direction@leperiscope.org