Ligne Aide Maltraitance Adultes Aînés (LAMAA) (anciennement Ligne Aide Abus Aînés)

Ligne Aide Maltraitance Adultes Aînés (LAMAA) (anciennement Ligne Aide Abus Aînés)

The Ligne Aide Maltraitance Adultes Aînés (LAMAA) has the mandate to develop and operationalize a national telephone line for listening, ad hoc intervention, crisis and specialized reference in matters of mistreatment. The clientele of the organization are adults or seniors who experience mistreatment, their loved ones, as well as any other person (family, loved ones, neighbours, workers, employees, etc.) concerned about a situation in which a adult or elder appears to be abused. The territory covered by the organization is the province of Quebec.

Ligne Aide Maltraitance Adultes Aînés (LAMAA) (anciennement Ligne Aide Abus Aînés)

place 5425, avenue Bessborough, Montreal, Quebec, H4V 2S7
call 514-489-2287 call 888-489-2287 (Toll-free) email