Maison Albatros de Trois-Rivières

Maison Albatros de Trois-Rivières
Maison Albatros de Trois-Rivières offers free of charge to the person suffering from a serious and irreversible illness, as well as to their close family, the opportunity to live the last moments of their life in a warm, human and close environment. of its natural environment: support, relief and comfort. The organization offers comprehensive palliative care services, medical assistance in dying, psychological support, spiritual accompaniment and accommodation. The organization's clientele is people suffering from serious and irreversible illnesses aged 18 and over with a prognosis of less than 2 months, as well as their loved ones. Among the territories served, we find Greater Trois-Rivières, surrounding municipalities and towns on the north and south shores of the St. Lawrence.

Maison Albatros de Trois-Rivières

place 2115, Avenue A, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, G8Z 2X2
call 819-375-3323 email