Partage St-François

Partage St-François
Partage St-François helps men, women, trans and non-binary people aged 18 and over who live in the greatest poverty. A dedicated intervention team works there day and night to support them in the many hardships they encounter on their way. Thanks to the accommodation and support services offered there, hundreds of people each year find the resources to regain control over their lives and finally get out of homelessness. The clientele served by this organization are men and women who live in the greatest poverty. Among the territories served, we find the city of Sherbrooke, the MRC of Memphrémagog, the MRC of Coaticook, the MRC Le Haut-Saint-François as well as the MRC Le Val Saint-François.

Partage St-François

place 115, rue Galt Ouest, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1H 1X8
call 819-821-2233 email