Popote mobile de la Baie

Popote mobile de la Baie
Popote Mobile de la Baie promotes home support for people aged 65 and over or people with temporary or permanent loss of autonomy. La Meals Mobile offers food, adequate in quantity and quality, to people who have difficulty eating adequately. Hot meals are prepared and delivered directly to the homes of elderly people or people losing their independence from Monday to Friday, thanks to the work of employees and volunteers. It is therefore a question of prioritizing their independence and supporting them in their desire to stay in their environment as long as possible. The organization's clientele is people aged 65 and over and people with temporary or permanent loss of autonomy. Among the territories served, we find the La Baie sector of the city of Saguenay.

Popote mobile de la Baie

place 1244, 5e Avenue, Saguenay, Quebec, G7B 4J6
call 418-544-6868 email dgpopotemobilelb@gmail.com