Proches aidants de la MRC de Maskinongé

Proches aidants de la MRC de Maskinongé
Proches aidants de la MRC de Maskinongé, formerly known as the “Association des caregivers du Bassin de Maskinongé: tender hands”, brings together natural caregivers concerned by the loss of autonomy of a loved one and breaks their isolation. Promotes the development of exchange of services between caregivers in order to improve their quality of life. Offers a place to express lived experiences and prevents burnout. Raise awareness in the community and promote the creation of resources appropriate to needs. Offers support services to members to help them improve their daily lives. The clientele served by this organization concerns all caregivers, regardless of the age and impairment of the person being cared for. Among the territories served, there is the MRC de Maskinongé.

Proches aidants de la MRC de Maskinongé

place 2501, rue Laflèche, Saint-Paulin, Quebec, J0K 3G0
call 819-268-2884 call 888-418-2884 (Toll-free) email