Société de l'arthrite

Société de l'arthrite
The Arthritis Society is a national health charity. Thanks to the trust and support of its donors and volunteers, The Arthritis Society fights the arthritis fire with research, advocacy, innovation, information and support. We are the largest charitable funder of cutting-edge arthritis research in Canada. We will redouble our efforts until everyone is free from the stinging pain of arthritis. Clientele: People of all ages living with arthritis. Territory: Province of Quebec

Other points of services

It is possible that one of the service points does not offer all of the organization's services. Please contact the organization for more information.


place 393 University Avenue, Suite 1700, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1E6
call 514-846-8840

Société de l'arthrite

place 5160, Boulevard Décarie bureau 740, Montreal, Quebec, H3X 2H9
call 514-846-8840 call 800-321-1433 (Toll-free) email