Temps d'Aide Chez Soi (Anciennement Aide à la communauté et services à domicile)

Temps d'Aide Chez Soi (Anciennement Aide à la communauté et services à domicile)
Temps D'Aide Chez Soi's mission is to improve the quality of life of the elderly, the disabled, the chronically ill and families in difficulty through home support services. We practice prioritization according to our ability to meet the different needs representing vulnerability or precariousness. The clientele served by this organization concerns the elderly, people with a loss of autonomy or with functional limitations, as well as people or families in difficulty. Among the territories served, we find the borough of Haute-Saint-Charles, the MRC of Jacques-Cartier as well as the sectors of Sainte-Foy-Sillery-Cap-Rouge and L'Ancienne-Lorette.

Temps d'Aide Chez Soi (Anciennement Aide à la communauté et services à domicile)

place 14, rue Saint-Amand, Québec City, Quebec, G2A 2K9
call 418-842-9791 email info@tempsdaidechezsoi.com