Transport Adapté et Collectif de La Mitis

Transport Adapté et Collectif de La Mitis
The Transport Adapté et Collectif (TAC) of La Mitis is a non-profit organization that carries out the mandate entrusted by the mandated organization by offering passenger transport services such as the services of Adapted Transport, Collective Transport and Inter- MRC. The clientele served concerns people with disabilities, i.e. the inability to walk 400 meters on level ground, the inability to climb a step 35 centimeters high with support, or the inability to descend one without support, inability to complete an entire trip using regular public transit, inability to control situations or behaviors that could be detrimental to one's own safety or that of others, inability to communicate verbally or gesture. However, this incapacity alone cannot be considered for admission purposes. Among the territories served, there is the MRC de La Mitis.

Transport Adapté et Collectif de La Mitis

place 251, avenue du Sanatorium, C.P. 63, Mont-Jo, Quebec, G5H 1V6
call 418-775-6384 email