Transport adapté pour nous inc.

Transport adapté pour nous inc.
Transport for people with reduced mobility. Clientele: To be eligible, the person must meet the following two requirements: be a handicapped person, that is to say a “person with a deficiency resulting in a significant and persistent disability and who is subject to encountering obstacles in the performance of everyday activities”; have mobility limitations justifying the use of a paratransit service. Only the following disabilities may be considered for eligibility purposes: inability to walk 400 m on level ground; the inability to climb a 35 cm high step with support or the inability to descend one without support; inability to complete an entire trip using regular public transportation services; inability to orient oneself in time or space; the inability to control situations or behaviors that could be detrimental to their own safety or that of others; inability to communicate verbally or with gestures. However, this incapacity alone cannot be taken into account for the purposes of admission. Territory: Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton, Saint-Joachim-de-Shefford, Shefford, Brome, Stukely-Sud, Warden, Lac Brome and Waterloo.