Voix et solidarité des aidants naturels de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau

Voix et solidarité des aidants naturels de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau
Voix et solidarité des aidants naturels de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau is an independent non-profit community organization whose mission is to bring together and identify natural caregivers in order to ensure their well-being and safeguard their interests. This organization promotes the rights and interests of natural caregivers, while organizing activities to improve their quality of life and break their isolation. Several services are offered such as a listening, information and support line, easy access to training and conferences for caregivers, short-term respite in our members' homes and accommodation. short-term and out-of-home daytime respite. The clientele served by this organization concerns caregivers and among the territories served, we find the MRC de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau.

Voix et solidarité des aidants naturels de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau

place 248, rue Cartier, Maniwaki, Quebec, J9E 3P5
call 819-441-1001 call 855-448-1818 (Toll-free) email voix.solidarite.VG@hotmail.com