
MeSSAGES : An electronic method to support the learning of stress management strategies

MeSSAGES : An electronic method to support the learning of stress management strategies

Being a caregiver means dealing with multiple challenges on a daily basis. L'Appui offers training programs free of charge to support you on your journey.


The MeSSAGES online training program is designed to allow caregivers of seniors and geriatric patients to learn and apply various stress management strategies.

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This training program was developed to accompany the caregiver, regardless of where they are in their journey. Not only do people who take this program learn to better manage their stress, but they can also share their experiences in discussion forums. This is an ideal opportunity to take a step back from the role of caregiver, to identify the elements that trigger stress and to test different strategies depending on the situation.

A new theme is addressed each week through readings and exercises:

  • Awareness of the situation, identification of its rewarding and irritating aspects;
  • Analysis of the situation and choice of a difficulty (stressor) for which the caregiver wishes to change, formulation of a concrete objective to be achieved;
  • Analysis of the context of the situation, classification of the chosen stressor (modifiable or non-modifiable);
  • Awareness of the importance of choosing an adaptive strategy "adjusted" to the stressor, choice of an adjusted strategy and experimentation;
  • Evaluation of whether the goal set at the outset has been achieved;
  • Assessment of the entire stress management process, answers to questions.

Feedback on the exercises provided by a Caregiver traininf counselor provides support and guidance throughout the program. It consolidates learning.

"I was discouraged. I felt like I was up against a brick wall. I learned a lot. I know that I have tools. That I have options."

This training is intended for a person who is a caregiver:

  • of an elderly person or with a geriatric profile;
  • who understands English and is able to express themselves in writing in that language;
  • who has access to a computer connected to the Internet, who is able to receive and send e-mails and to surf the Internet.

What do you commit to once you are accepted into the program?

  • to take 60 to 90 minutes of your time each week to complete the program's readings and written exercises for seven consecutive weeks;
  • to take approximately 30 minutes before the start and at the end of the program to complete online quizzes.


Need to talk?

Contact our Caregiver Support Helpline for counselling, information and referrals.

Every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Free of charge.

call  Caregiver info :  1 855 852-7784