Are you looking for tools to help you communicate more effectively with someone who has aphasia?
Aphasia has an impact on communication with the person you are caring for. Here are ten tips for communicating with someone who has aphasia.
People with aphasia have their communication skills affected: making themselves understood, understanding, expressing themselves, speaking, writing and/or listening.
Depending on the degree of severity, aphasia can also affect social skills. For example, the person with aphasia may feel that they are discriminated against in a shop, on the telephone or at a family gathering.
Aphasia has an impact on communication with the person you are caring for. As a caregiver, communication is a key factor in maintaining the best possible relationship.
Theatre, singing, dance, in a group or on your own—there are lots of activities to choose from! Here are just a few examples:
In turn, artistic activities encourage communication between you and the person you are caring for and give you the opportunity to get in touch with resources and services.
These tips for caregivers are based on those presented in the SAPPA project videos and in the guide Vous connaissez une personne aphasique?
When a communication disorder is suspected, the patient is referred to speech therapy for an assessment of oral comprehension, oral expression, written comprehension, written expression, gestural and pragmatic communication and conversation.
Depending on the assessment, the person may need to undergo language rehabilitation:
Practical tools
Communications strategies
Associations and organizations
Agence Science-Presse. Le théâtre comme voie d'inclusion.
Aphasie Québec. Outils et ressources.
Association québécoise des personnes aphasiques Montréal. Claire Croteau - Conférence Mots Croisés autour de l'aphasie.
Fédération nationale des aphasiques de France. L'aphasie, vous connaissez?
Fonds de recherche du Québec. Inciter les personnes proches aidantes de personnes aphasiques à recevoir de l’aide : Recherche-action partenariale entre le système de santé et le secteur communautaire.
L'Appui pour les proches aidants. Balado des proches aidants. Épisode 2 - Accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC).
Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec. Réapprendre à communiquer (épisode 4).
Radio-Canada Ohdio. Retrouver le plaisir de s’exprimer après l’aphasie.
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