Looking for resources and referrals to help someone you are caring for with multiple sclerosis?
Here are resources, referrals and awareness-raising initiatives related to MS.
Make your day-to-day life easier as a caregiver of an adult, teenager or child with multiple sclerosis:
MS Canada’s Quebec Division provides services to people with MS and their families, and funds research into the cause and cure of this disease. In particular, the organization offers:
Our Caregiver Support Helpline is there for all caregivers, throughout Québec. Whether you are looking for a sympathetic ear, counselling or referrals, our counselors are available every day, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. This service is free and confidential.
There is a page on our website dedicated to the telephone helplines that caregivers can access throughout Québec.
In Quebec, May has been declared Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Activities and MS Walks are organized throughout the province.
World MS Day is held every year on May 30. It’s a highly organized event, with a wide range of awareness-raising tools and activities. From 2020 to 2023, this campaign focused on MS Connections, challenging the “social barriers that leave people affected by multiple sclerosis feeling lonely and socially isolated.”
La Presse. Pour un monde sans sclérose en plaques.
Le Journal de Montréal. Journée mondiale de la sclérose en plaque: l’urgence d’accélérer la recherche et d’augmenter l’offre de soutien.
MS International Federation. World MC Day 30 May 2023.
Nicolet. 20e édition | Marche SP Centre-du-Québec.
Need to talk?
Contact our Caregiver Support Helpline for counselling, information and referrals.
Every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Free of charge.